A Nagy Fal/ The Great Wall |
Végül eszembe jutott, hogy kb. ilyen összegért taxi is elvisz minket (olvastam a Rough Guide-ban köszi Ig J) és igy is lett végül fejenként 125 yuanért elvitt minket a taxi és meg is várt. Igy rövidebb is volt az út, meg elkerültük azt is, hogy az intézményesitett utazás gyönyöreit élvezzük. (én különösen utálom, ha megmondják mikor, meddig kell milyen irányba néznem) A belépő további 45 yuan volt, és Badaling volt az első hely, ahol elfogadták a diákot. Bandi igy 25 yuanért jutott be. Ha összeadjuk a teljes költséget utazás, belépő meg üditő turista áron kb 4700 Ft-ból taxival ellátogattunk a Nagy Falhoz.
(Badaling van legközelebb 70 km ha ez ember másik részre megy Mutianyu-ba vagy Simataiba állitólag kevéssé feltárt részeket láthat)
Már az odafelé úton az autópályáról is láttuk a Nagy Falat szintet hihetetlen, hogy több ezre km hosszú (majdnem 6000) ha egyenesre kihúznánk: összekötné New Yorkot Los Angeles-szel.
Amúgy a kerékpár versenyszám lelátója látható is néhány képen, a kormány tett róla, hogy minden egyes megtett kör után mutassa a kamera a Nagy Falat.
Amikor az utazás előtt elképzeltem a nagy falat azt hittem egyszer kell magasra mászni és onnan egyenes szakasz jön, meg szélesnek is képzeltem. Hát ahogy a képek is mutatják, a falat megmászni kell. Nem végigsétálni rajta, persze abszolút megéri, minden perc.
Lenyűgöző, hogy tudtak I.e 400-tól az 1500as évekig embereket biztositani, akik ilyen magasságokban tudtak épitkezni, nyilván árnyékfolt a Fal monumentalitásán, hogy hány ember halt meg az épitkezések alatt. (Quin Shin Huang alatt több millió embert dolgoztattak halálra és nép a brutális hatalom megtestesitőjét látta a Falban, más dinasztiák alatt még több ember halt itt meg.)
Öszintén megértem, hogy hiszen felmászni is kb. 2 órába telt, Liana meg én nem is mentünk a legmagasabb pontig, mert nem birtuk Gry meg Bandi csinált pár képet fenn :-)
Amúgy a falmászás meggyőzött arrró, hogy itt az ideje kis testmozgásnak, mert egy hetven éves bácsi és egy 100 lábú is leelőzött fölfele :-( hát nem büszkeség, de tény.
Szóval a fal megmászása hihetetlen élmény volt, és még turista tömeg sem árasztott el minket. Azért az emberben tiszteletet ébreszt a kinaiak szorgalma, ezzel kompenzálják a hatékonyság hiányát. (de ez majd egy másik történet lesz)
Klári & Bandi
Yesterday, our Day arrived so we had to get up early to discover the icon of Mainland China, to climb the Great Wall. (we got up at 6 am).
By this time we have accomplished our list of must-sees in Beijing (the touristic one): the Lama temple, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Beijing Zoo, several market, Houhai lake (the Temple of Heaven is excluded, we are going to visit it soon).
How to get there?. Many books offered many solutions we decided , to visit the closest point BADALING (some 70 km northwest from Beijing). So we took line 2 to Quimen but there we had to face the usual language barrier problem. Chinese people are kind and helpful but can’t speak English enough to give basic information. Finaly a policeman was so helpful to call his sister who spoke English and guided us to a bus which went to the Great Wall. Unluckily it was a tourist centre and and a tourist bus…
There we tried to find out where we could take public transportation to Badaling, but even the kind Chinese thought helping us would seriously damage there business interest. (as they were selling Great Wall tours for 140 yuan) So instead they took some 100 pictures about us to pimp their company brochures. So after the 107th picture and no useful information I just shouted enough (I can do it in Chinese now J) We left the bus station.
Later it came to my mind that taking a taxi could be a similar amount so we tried to negotiate it. (with Maggie’s help on the phone) we could get a taxi for 500 yuan for a return trip. As Gry’s Norwegan friend Lina traveled with us. It sounded much better than a bus trip.
People who know me, have an idea how much I hate institutionalizes tourism. (being told when to look? where to look? what to look at?) So we were satisfied and we got there in 1,5 hours.
Paying the entrance ticket 45 yuan (25 y with student card and here they accept international one, first place after one month) and some drinks for tourist price altogheter we spent some 4700 Ft on visiting the Great Wall with taxi. Not that bad, is it?
The Great Wall was visible from the motorway already not so surprising when you consider the fact that it is almost 6000 km long. If we placed it end to end it would link New York with Los Angeles.
The Spectatorium of the Olympic Cycling is situated close to it, smartly enough the government ensured that in every round the Great Walls will be broadcasted.
I remember imagining the Great Wall as something flat after climbing up heigh on one end. I proved to be wrong as the pictures show. On the Great Wall you don’t walk, you do climb!
But climbing on it is such an experience that it is worth some energy and time. It is astonishing.
On the other hand it is a bit shocking how many thousands of people were worked to death during the construction of the wall from 400 BC till 1500. These number soaked significantly high during the reign of Quin Shi Huang, at that time the wall was a symbol of brutal death.
It is undertandable considering that we climbed 2 hours up to the top, only Bandi and Gry reached it. Liana and me we decided not to go higher, it was too tiring.
So this made me realize that it is high time to start doing some excersizes, especially because a 100 legged bug and a 70 year old man overtook me up on the stairs… Sad but true L
Climbing the Wall was an unforgettable experience especially because there was no flooding of tourists. All our respect to these hardworking Chinise building the wall. Their hard work definitely compensates their lack of efficiency. (but this topic is to be covered later)
Klari & Bandi
P.s. I found one of the top stupid sayings of U.S presidents, Nixon this time: This is a Great Wall and only a great people with great past could have a great wall and such a great wall will surely have a great future.
2 megjegyzés:
Hey Andrew, I have sew the pictures you took in the Great Wall. That's cool. In your article you said you took a taxi to there and took 500 yuan. That's so expensive. But you saved time instead of taking bus.lol
you said you get ticket for student,that's cool .I don't know if Chinese student go to abroad ,they want to see someplace of interesting Can they get tickets for students.
Beijing has another very interesting ,you can search it by internet.
I have tooken the pictures but you have to say thank you for Klara for the writing parts.
I got the student reduction with my international student card at the Great Wall and this was the only place where it was accepted in all China. I think a lot of places can accept international student card but
I can not see any system in these reductions...
Thank you for checking our blogg and make more comments!!! :)
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